Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Review: Portal 2 DLC

Hey there folks!

A free to download DLC, Portal 2 has recently released new content in two differents forms, video and 9 new challenges in the co-op attack. This review will be a short one as is the DLC.
Waking up with GLaDos speaking of being in the future after being asleep for over 10'000 years, you partake in a "museum" of old testing areas. A warning to those who have not completed the co-op storyline, there are very much spoilers awaiting you around, both hidden and straight told to you.
A short, spoiler free storyline is as such: you tackle these historic tests while GLaDos encourages (I'm serious, she's nice about it) you to move through the tests as fast as you possibly can, her witty and clever humour not far behind. The further you go, the harder and more tricky the tests become and will test any player or veteran of the series. Gameplay is what you'd expect, same with graphics and audio. For a full recap on said items, please look over my Portal 2 review, link below.

Portal 2 developers have delivered their promise many moons ago of a free DLC and they have certainly given us a fun and great way to pass the time with a friend, just make sure its a good friend or else fire will erupt from your ears!
I gave Portal 2 DLC an 8/10

Good points: Its free!
                    Great challenges
                    Hilarious video shorts

Bad Points:  Much too short
                   No single player?

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