Now while I admit that I'm an avid gamer, I too have raged at a game so bad that I never picked it up again. I've had a game now and again that I couldn't finish or simply had to return it, or
others that I just couldn't crack. While this isn't truly a rant, I'm simply writing this in order to amuse myself and you too!
To the younger folks who don't know, here's a quick summary: Each and every gamer has a List Of Shame, a list that consists of all the game titles you have never completed. The most common (And
the one I'll be using) contains of games with an uncompleted campaign. From here, the list can grow to uncompleted 100% Campaign, unlockable secrets, Multiplayer ranks and 100% Achievement List
in a game. If I chose Achievement Lists, each and every game I've owned would be on that list! So Campaign it is and here we go!
1: Goldeneye 64
This game came out when I was five years old and my fear of blood was still majorly strong at that point of time. While I rarely played the game myself, I'd tend to watch my father and brother
play the missions over and over. And let me tell you, they SUCKED. My father died almost every ten minutes but my brother lasted a little longer, ether way the red screen would slowly inch
on the screen and I would run away in fright! Embarrassing, but true. The graphics of that day look realistic enough to send me running and whenever I played, I tried my damn hardest not to die.
While I have finished the game in it's remake for, I have never finished the original, I got stuck on the Forest mission and I never played it again. Why?
Because years later our N64 and games was stolen.
2: Diddy Kong Racing
This was the game my siblings and I paid most of our attention to. We each had our own favourite characters: My brother had Banjo, my sister Conker and myself, Pipsy. We each played equally, one
save file to each of us and we had fun playing the multiplayer parts together. However eventually we all got stuck on one area; The Silver Coin Dragon challenge. Eventually we all started
playing together to try, one after another we took turned to try and beat the bastard but to no prevail. Eventually after moving house twice in the span of a month, we were all too busy to
play the game and we never picked it up again. I have tried on an emulator to finally put the game at rest but to no luck.
3: Blinx The Time Sweeper
While my brother had fallen out of the habit of playing video games together, my sister and I were determined to beat this game. I found it fun and she found it fascinating gameplay wise. While
she got ahead of me (As I got stuck on one particular area for a time) my sister was nearing the end but eventually got stuck herself. After catching up to whichever world it was, we played back
and forth, trying to defeat the level but continuously getting stuck to the point where my sister never picked up another video game controller again and I placed the game away.
I have repeatedly gone back to try and get back to that level but to no luck.
4: Worms 4 Mayhem.
While it's kind of odd to add this in, it is a game I never could finish. After travelling to the Dueling Western World, I eventually got bored and gave up the game to complete others. While I
still enjoy the game immensly, the storyline was a bit too ridiculous for my tastes at the time. I have gone back to play the game but made no attempts to try and beat the campaign.
5: Alone In The Dark (2008)
This game was much fun to play over time. The gameplay was great and the story was decent but there was one massive flaw with the game itself. If you ever wanted to save and quit for a day,
then you better kiss your equipment goodbye. I'm not sure if the game had a glitch or that was part of the survival aspects of the game, but after saving and leaving the game, upon returning
I would find my pistol, weapons, equipment and other necessities gone. This was extremely frustrating but it happened so randomly that each save was a scramble to see if I kept my findings,
as weapons and other things needed were DAMN hard to find. Eventually I reached the near end of the game, which required you to destroy 50% of these odd Stalks in order to reach a particular
area. I saved and stopped playing after a particular part of the game. I came back a few days later to find everything gone. The only way to destroy the Stalks was with fire, the only way to get
fire was bottles, alcohol and rags. The only way to get two of those items is from killing enemies. The only efficient way of killing enemies was a gun or a blunt weapon and the only way to get
those was explore. With hundred of the damn things everywhere and no health equipment, it lead to some major rage quitting. And after spoiling the ending for myself, doing all that work would
not have been worth it. Trust me.
6: Tom Clancy's EndWar
My parents bought me this game a few years back and I won't lie. This game is TERRIBLE. All you need to do is speak and press A once in a while. But the game doesn't pick up on voice, accent or
different actions too well. I rage quit after the first few missions. Here's an example:
"Bravo. Head to. Site. Designated. Attack. Enemy. B. *Click A*"
It was that dull. In order for anything to work, you needed to stop for three seconds after each command for the game to pick up on it.
And that is why I hate Stratergy games.
7: Operation Flashpoint Red River
To be perfectly honest, I just got bored of the game not 20 minutes into playing it. Sticky controls, boring characters and utterly outright disgusting gameplay. It's not worth it, second worst
next to EndWar.
8: Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2
Technically, I had never played this game until I bough both KOTOR 1 and 2 almost a year ago. After beating the first game for the first time in years (As I originally only played the game through renting it from a video store), I picked up the second game in the title. However, I only played for ten minutes and just stopped. I was unable to get into the storyline and to this day, the game sits in my collection until I pick it up once more.
9: F.E.A.R.
The game that got me on the series, I started playing the original game through, once more, renting the game from my local video store. I was able to get a partial way through until I was forced to return it. Since then I've had several attempts to beat it but fail due to loosing interest or the friend I borrow it from asking for it back.
10: 007 Legends
I lost interest within the prequel. Horrible game graphics, gameplay was utterly terrible, dodgy and glitchy controls - not to mention the terrible acting. Even Daniel Craig seemed less than 100%.
Overall, a waste of money.
11: Dragon Age 2
I've never been a huge fan of the series itself and after much bugging, I tried picking it up. Shortly after the intro I lost interest, placed the game on my shelf and never touched it again.
I don't know why but I just got sick of it. Dragon Age isn't much interesting to me.
And that pretty much sums it up. There might be a few I'm forgetting but there are some I have completed on other accounts from my main account due to reviews. This list would've been longer if I didn't go back and replay a fair few of them just to pass them. There are a few more on my main account that aren't complete but they have been completed on other accounts.
How far does your List of Shame reach? Remember folks, we all have one because gamers gotta game.
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