On a side note, I'm writing this with a bum arm/hand so let's see how much I can write!
While Koch is still suffering the after-effects of the Ranger Mode controversy, DLCs galore have been popping out of the company and making a first in Metro history, add on Campaign missions. While the three missions do not effect the main storyline of Metro Last Light and don't feature/mention Artyom in the slightest (except for the fact that they partake in the same modern age of Moscow), Faction Pack focuses on the stories of three new characters in a shorter sense from the main three groups inside the Metro: Reich, Red and Polis Rangers.
In order we have the Reich mission, which sees players set in the shoes of a Heavy Gunner, fighting off wave after wave of Red soldiers attacking D6. While this mission is absolutely a ton of fun, it's incredibly short. Switch to the new weapons when prompted do, go back to the mini-gun on occasion and it's over quickly.
Secondly we have the Polis Rangers mission, the largest mission by far. As a new scouting recruit, you are sent out into the ruins of Moscow and better yet, the fearful and terrifying Library. Without a doubt the greatest mission in the pack, the Polis Rangers are very unhelpful (at times) and ask nothing of you but to gather as many items as you can (such as toys, books, weapon parts ect) and with what little money you receive after each trip, you spend on air filters, bullets and other helpful things. The armor and radiation suits are a definite must so remember to save up. However while this mode is massive fun, it can get massively repetitive running back and forth through the same areas. While being able to remove the contents of the mutant's stomach for supplies and lighting up different areas with light globes is a nice touch to the game, this doesn't stop the principle: run out, fight off Nosalises, find a few items, return to base, spend most of your money on filters, repeat.
Lastly is the Sniper mission as the Reds, two men trying to take over a Reich outpost on the surface. Definitely my favourite by far, this part of the DLC forces players to sneak through the base as quietly as possible, failure to stay stealthy will result in mission failure. From in the inner buildings to the bottom of a ditch, this mission is much longer and more developed than the first.
While I have yet to find/buy any of the new weapons in the main mission (and sadly still unable to finish the Polis mission in the DLC), this DLC is agreeably fun but a teeny bit dull around the edges. Taking into consideration that the budget for Metro Last Light is a lower budget game than most A List titles, Metro Last Light has seen extreme popularity. This DLC is definitely worth the buy, especially for it's price, but don't expect to be wowed.
Metro Last Light - Faction Pack DLC: C-
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