***WARNING: Possible spoilers for topics/main storyline from the original Telltale game, ending and DLC. Read at your own caution***

The DLC tells the story of five different survivors and how they came together to form their own survival group. Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Bonnie and Shel have placed photos of themselves at a nearby diner, with a note telling whomever found it that they were still alive. This note is found by a sixth person, to which you'll find out about later. While the game can be played at any order, the game follows a pattern of timelines: Vince starts at Day 2, Wyatt at 41, Russell at 184, Bonnie at 220 and Shel with two at 236 and 259 - the game finishes at Day 400.
Each character has their own story to tell but each are linked together by similar means. Russell, while walking down the road, is forced to choose between hiding or standing his ground. If he hides, you'll find either Doug or Carley dead on the road (Depending on your choice in the previous titles), but this isn't where the similarities end. To avoid spoilers, I'll say this - keep your eyes open for details. Hiding from the truck on the road is also linked to one of two non-storyline achievements, the first two in the Telltale series.
There isn't much that can be said without spoiling the entire DLC. For fans, you're looking at just over an hour of gameplay, seeing as Shel's story is definitely longer than the others and Vince being the shortest. The storyline is definitely Telltale standards, each character having their own attractions and definite warmness around them. Some in bad situations from their own weakness, others for family and some looking for others. Each character's story is unique and adds to the ending nicely.
For a cheap price and fun gameplay, 400 Days is definitely a recommended DLC, despite it's shortness. Check it out before Season 2 is released and when it is, I hope Telltale can make the experience of their award wining game even better.
The Walking Dead: 400 Days - B+
400 Days is out now for 400 MSP
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