Thursday 13 January 2011

New Agenda's

Hey guys and girls.

As I've previously stated n my last few posts, my list of games becomes ever more shorter, and by around April, I'm probably going to run out. I was hoping to get and review Gears of War 3 by April, but unfortunately not the case....thanks Epic....ugh.
Ah well, that's not the point of this post.

I'm here to tell you all that in the near future, I am going to review game trailers and post a link to where you may watch them. 
Keep an eye out for the first three I'll do are most likely the first I'll be doing are the following:
Gears of War 3: Ashes To Ashes trailer
Mass Effect 3: Earth Trailer
Prototype 2: Revenge Trailer

So, fun fun fun!

Thanks so much for reading all of these, the views are great.
Have a good one

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