Saturday 10 September 2011

1000 Marker

Hey there guys and girls!
I just wanted to make a quick note to how much I really appreciate you all checking out my reviews. I've finally hit the 1000 marker! Thank you all so very, very much!
I have to give alot of thanks to all my friends for giving out my site URL to their friends and spreading the word of my reviews, it makes it much easier to contact a new audience and hopefully, get some new followers. And for that, all I can say is thank you!

I may hold another competition in the future, so please keep an eye out for that.
Another episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips is definately on the way, and once again, its all gonna be about Gears of War 3! I'm splitting my review in two parts; one in the written review and the second a commentary discussion with a few people.

So thank you all for the support and here's to the next 1000!
Al Fatman

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