Sunday 11 December 2011

Inside Gaming Awards 2011 Results & FTG News

Hey there folks!

For those who didn't know or missed out, Inside Gaming Awards was held of the 10th of this month, many of the games that were up to win the prizes quite worthy to win the part. But in the end, there has to be one winner and here, to make it easier for you all, are the winners in order of annoucement!

Best Sound Design: Dead Space 2
Original Musical Score: Bastion
Original Game: Rock Of Ages
Best Downloadable Game: Bastion
Best DLC: Fallout New Vegas - Old World Blues
Most Compelling Character: Weatley - Portal 2

Best Indie Game: Bastion
Best Game Cinametography: Uncharted 3
Best Animation: Batman Arkham City
Best Art Direction: Deus Ex Human Revolution
Best Narrative: Portal 2
Best Multiplayer: Gears of War 3
Best Trailer: Dead Island - Official Announcement Trailer

Game of the Year: Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls V

With, apparently, Deus Ex a close second.

Congratulations to all the winners, I'm very glad Bastion made a huge mark this year, but well done to all the winners and hopefully we see this many great titles this time next year.

Onto some personal info folks, as the year draws to an end, the holidays barely two weeks away, a sense that a full year has nearly gone sets a panic into most people. Getting older, fear of the new death year, all of that. But I'd like to say thank you all for those who have stuck around this past year of me blabbering on, and seeing as I'm extremely close to 3000 views here, I guess the LEEROY JENKINS! video is going to be on the horizon! I better get filmin'!
Also, the last episode of FGT of this year will be posted on the 18th, to announce the winners of my competition. Entries are still allowed, you have three days! Check out my competition video to know how to enter!
On another sad note, the next Ask Fatman will be posted just before New Years Eve, then Fatman's on holiday for a week or so!
Keep up with the questions for the show folks!

Thats all from me, so thanks very much for reading.
And, as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman

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