Thursday 15 December 2011

Review: AC Revelations Character Pack DLC

Hey there everybody!

While only a short DLC, the team of Revelations has brought out their first of what fans hope to be of many for the Multplayer side of the game. Four brand new characters, all customisable right from the get-go (Allowing you score a 10 Gamerscore Achievement when you do), you have a new choice system for your playing experience.

The characters (From left to right) The Privateer, The Corsair, The Gladiator (My personal favourite) and The Brigand not only add a spice of variety to the game, but also giving players new Templar profiles and some more information and background on the world of the Templars.

This DLC isn't a necessary buy to continue playing the game, but it is worth the small price for a few more fun characters, especially those who like to play as a female AI who smacks her bum as an insult.
Out of 10, I gave the AC Revelations Characters DLC an 8/10

Good points: Fair cheap
                     New things!

Bad points:    Only a few things...?
                     No announcement for more?

The DLC is out now for 320 Microsoft Points (Approx $4)

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