Wednesday 18 April 2012

Written Update!

G'day there guys and gals!

The current time while I'm writing these words is 2:42am.
I was going to make a small video out of this, but seeing as I have huge black bags underneath my eyes and I look like a raccoon (Despite never seeing one face to face in my life before) I decided to do this.

Firstly; I'll be posting a new episode of FGT possibly tomorrow or at least Thursday. Also, Ask Fatman will be coming out soon, I swear!
Secondly, despite talking about it, a few people are still a bit confused about my competition. So I'll be creating a short tomorrow explaining it all, including some other crap.

Well, its time for me to get to bed. Its look reaaaaal intriguing....oh pillow.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy the new videos!
And as always, have fun and game on!

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