Monday 21 May 2012

Review Delay...Again!

Howdy folks!

Just a quick update with the goings on with good ol' Fatman.

I'm sad to report that my reviews planned for this week have been pushed back slightly due to work timing issues. This was an unforseen incident and hopefully will not be happening soon. To compensate, I have ordered Sniper Elite V2 for a review and that should be arriving very soon. Also, a few more gameplay videos of The Force Unleashed will be released both tomorrow and Wednesday.
My reviews for Knights of the Old Republic will be coming sometime this week.

Lastly, I have recently purchased Max Payne 3 and working through it as quickly as I can, so that review shall be done within the next few weeks.

Sorry for the setback folks but things like these can't be avoided.
Thanks for understanding, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman

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