Thursday 10 May 2012

Slight Delay on Reviews

G'day folks!

Sad bit of an update for you here folks. Good ol' Fatman has bitten off a bit more than he can chew.
Since trying to upload a 26min new walkthrough video while editing and writing new episodes and still trying to find more time to play the games I need to review, film the videos I need to and have a small bit of sleep is a bit hard. I went to bed at 7am after the new episode failed to work.
So....yeah! Sorry folks.
Fatman's Gaming Tips will be coming out next week as normal and hopefully with the new gameplay too. Trials Evolution will be coming out tomorrow or Saturday by the latest, as will Knights of the Old Republic, which I finally managed to finished.

Sorry for the setback folks, I'll finish my work when I can.
Game on!
Al Fatman

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