G'day there guys and gals!
Just two quick messages; 6000 views onto this page! This is excellent and I've really got to thank all the people who watch me and those who stick around especially. Thanks very much for all the support, keeping the hateful under check and staying with good ol' Fatman!
Sadly, there's gotta be some sad news with some awesome news. While released in Australia 2 days ago, my small town hasn't recieved a single copy of Naruto Shippuden Generations as of late. I have preordered it months ago but it has still yet to turn up. I'm just a phone call away from it. Due to this issue, my review on the game has been set back a bit.
So in order to counter react this, I'll be bringing out a few Five Easy Achievements and some reviews on a few Arcade titles. The first being Call of Duty Classics.
I never played the first two games (as I couldn't really afford heaps of game) but its interesting to play the original.
So keep an eye out for that!
Thanks for reading, thanks for the views and as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Friday, 30 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips - AC3 Setting and Special Editions!
Nearly 9 minutes, I was close!
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Naruto Shippuden Generations Demo Gameplay - 2am recording
I'm going to bed.....
I'll be recording the new FGT once I wake up.
Night! Thanks for watching!
I'm going to bed.....
I'll be recording the new FGT once I wake up.
Night! Thanks for watching!
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
A big line up!
G'day guys and gals!
Seeing as its nearly 11pm, I thought I'd end my day with some big news!
Tomorrow, I will be filming and releasing a new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips. Expect this one to be....say, I don't know....how's 10 MINUTES LONG sound?
This episode is gonna be chocka-block (Aussie saying) full of news such as;
-Game release dates
-Mass Effect 3 DLC news
-Rumours and such.
and a huuuuge article on...
Assassins Creed 3!
Ubisoft has only just released a hell of a lot of information on the game, including Collector's Additions and backstory into the game!
Plus, some info on the new segment that has just been created here on my blogspot pages, Suggestions!
Not to mention in anticipation of Naruto Shippuden Generations, I'll be doing a small walkthrough of the demo before its released in Australia tomorrow!
Tomorrow's video will be long, so bring a box of popcorn!
Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on!
Seeing as its nearly 11pm, I thought I'd end my day with some big news!
Tomorrow, I will be filming and releasing a new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips. Expect this one to be....say, I don't know....how's 10 MINUTES LONG sound?
This episode is gonna be chocka-block (Aussie saying) full of news such as;
-Game release dates
-Mass Effect 3 DLC news
-Rumours and such.
and a huuuuge article on...
Assassins Creed 3!
Ubisoft has only just released a hell of a lot of information on the game, including Collector's Additions and backstory into the game!
Plus, some info on the new segment that has just been created here on my blogspot pages, Suggestions!
Not to mention in anticipation of Naruto Shippuden Generations, I'll be doing a small walkthrough of the demo before its released in Australia tomorrow!
Tomorrow's video will be long, so bring a box of popcorn!
Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on!
Five Easy Achievements: Bulletstorm
For a game known as "The kick in the arse the game industry needed", Bulletstorm is well know for its original storyline, adaquite shooting skills but most of all, the gore and the score! For a game to give points for the more gruesome and impossible kill is incredibly rare.
And now, its time to huck some easy achievements and Kill With Skill!
***Warning! There might be some slight spoilers for those who have yet to play the game. So if you wish for your eyes to unread the following info, you'd better stop now!***
1: Disco Inferno
10 Gamerscore
This achievement asks you to kill all surrounding enemies while never leaving the stage. Quick into the Campaign (About 30-45 mins in) you will come across as pub/disco studio with "Classic" music playing the background. As you kill the surrounding enemies, you'll hear a very well known 70's disco song playing once you reach the back of the place, where a stage and disco ball spins. Kill all the enemies on the stage and try to lean towards the exit without leaving down the stairs. This is where your Leash comes in handy. Either long range killing or making them closer will score you this achievement.
2: Pointless
10 Gamerscore.
Right from the get-go after your crash, this achievement asks you to kill at least 10 enemies before you reach your Leash. The trick to this achievement is, there are exactly 10 enemies once you leave your ship, so killing even one without a head shot will halt your achievement.
In short, simply keep your trigger finger steady and aim only to the head. Your enemy's head will explode, if it didn't, no headshot. Remember, your AI allies are also shooting!
3: Major Malfuntion
10 Gamerscore
During Gameplay, you will come across these News-Bots that look a lot like R2-D2 but more flashy. Simply destroy 50% of them for this achievement to unlock. It isn't as hard as you think, they are pretty much everywhere and very distinguishable due to their loud voices shouting the last pieces of news before the planet lost communication.
4: Somebody
20 Gamerscore
This achievement is pretty self explanitory; Kill With Skill! (Geddit?)
The game encourages you to use everything at your disposal. Simply unlock 25% of tricks and this achievement can be yours. Plus, the more sweet tricks you do, the more likely you can unlock the other achievements in this catagory such as Big Cheese (30GS) which askes for 50%, Celebrity (40GS) which is 75% and Golden Idol (50GS) which is all of them!
Last I checked I had three of 'em to go....
5: No Man Left Behind
20 Gamerscore
During the gameplay, you are running to an elevator in a collapsing building. Simply kill all the enemies in your way (There's only 4 of them) before you get there and this can be yours!
This achievement allows applies to I Might Be Late (20GS) which askes you to kill all who stand in your way to a shuttle and Just One More Thing (20GS) which is for an escape pod.
Bulletstorm can be an overlooked game, but the Campaign is definitely one you do not want to overlook. And for those looking to control a giant robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex named Waggleton.P.Tallylicker!
Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on!
And now, its time to huck some easy achievements and Kill With Skill!
***Warning! There might be some slight spoilers for those who have yet to play the game. So if you wish for your eyes to unread the following info, you'd better stop now!***
1: Disco Inferno
10 Gamerscore
This achievement asks you to kill all surrounding enemies while never leaving the stage. Quick into the Campaign (About 30-45 mins in) you will come across as pub/disco studio with "Classic" music playing the background. As you kill the surrounding enemies, you'll hear a very well known 70's disco song playing once you reach the back of the place, where a stage and disco ball spins. Kill all the enemies on the stage and try to lean towards the exit without leaving down the stairs. This is where your Leash comes in handy. Either long range killing or making them closer will score you this achievement.
2: Pointless
10 Gamerscore.
Right from the get-go after your crash, this achievement asks you to kill at least 10 enemies before you reach your Leash. The trick to this achievement is, there are exactly 10 enemies once you leave your ship, so killing even one without a head shot will halt your achievement.
In short, simply keep your trigger finger steady and aim only to the head. Your enemy's head will explode, if it didn't, no headshot. Remember, your AI allies are also shooting!
3: Major Malfuntion
10 Gamerscore
During Gameplay, you will come across these News-Bots that look a lot like R2-D2 but more flashy. Simply destroy 50% of them for this achievement to unlock. It isn't as hard as you think, they are pretty much everywhere and very distinguishable due to their loud voices shouting the last pieces of news before the planet lost communication.
4: Somebody
20 Gamerscore
This achievement is pretty self explanitory; Kill With Skill! (Geddit?)
The game encourages you to use everything at your disposal. Simply unlock 25% of tricks and this achievement can be yours. Plus, the more sweet tricks you do, the more likely you can unlock the other achievements in this catagory such as Big Cheese (30GS) which askes for 50%, Celebrity (40GS) which is 75% and Golden Idol (50GS) which is all of them!
Last I checked I had three of 'em to go....
5: No Man Left Behind
20 Gamerscore
During the gameplay, you are running to an elevator in a collapsing building. Simply kill all the enemies in your way (There's only 4 of them) before you get there and this can be yours!
This achievement allows applies to I Might Be Late (20GS) which askes you to kill all who stand in your way to a shuttle and Just One More Thing (20GS) which is for an escape pod.
Bulletstorm can be an overlooked game, but the Campaign is definitely one you do not want to overlook. And for those looking to control a giant robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex named Waggleton.P.Tallylicker!
Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on!
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips - Mass Effect 3 Contraversy Overload!
Does anyone get the joke in the title?
Anybody? No? Okay then!
Thanks for watching, and if you'd like to see this shirt in your wardrobe, dont forget to tell me down below and I'll organise the competition!
Anybody? No? Okay then!
Thanks for watching, and if you'd like to see this shirt in your wardrobe, dont forget to tell me down below and I'll organise the competition!
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Short - New Gamertag!
Like the new gamertag? Its not that different but let me know!
Thanks for watching, SR3 out soon!
Thanks for watching, SR3 out soon!
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Review: From Ashes Mass Effect 3 DLC

***WARNING: This DLC review has some huge plot twists. For those whom wish not to ruin the Campaign for themselves, it might be best to look away now.***
After the fall of Earth, this mission becomes available for anyone whom wishes to partake in recruiting one more active member for your team. And this one has been waiting for 50'000 years.
Once again, Shepard and the crew head back to Eden Prime to a dig site that Ceberus has rudely interrupted. On the planet, they discover a life pod the Protheans used back on Ilos.
And this one is still active.
To not dive right into this, let's move onto some finer topics. Nothing defines this DLC directly from the rest of the Campaign so far, however it involves a slightly different styling. This DLC involves some puzzle solving and searching for clues; this is quite simular to the last DLC in Mass Effect 2 "The Arrival".
During the final moments of the DLC, it involves multiplayer like system by surviving waves of Cerberus troops while the Pod opens.
***Last warning! Huge spoilers ahead!***
What really sets this DLC apart is the storyline. If it isn't obvious enough, the extra recruit is a Prothean, the last known alive in the entire galaxy.
While unlocking the clues, due to Shepard's contact with The Beacon in ME1, his understanding in this particular outposts' final moments becomes clearer as more history is revealed to him and him alone. And as the Pod awakens, Shepard discovers so much more about them.
This Prothean is named Javik and was a Commander in his time. It turns out that the Protheans had a dictatorship that covered the entire galaxy. All races became Prothean and those who denied them were extinguished. The only rare cases of holding back in this case was the Prothean's contact with the Asari, humans and Hanar.
While this DLC isn't necessary for a purchase, your team will be all the much stronger if you do indeed add this to your collection. For those who are interested in the history of Mass Effect and such, this DLC is for you.
Out of 10, I gave From Ashes an 8/10
Good points
+ Puzzle solving in ME3 = sweetness
+ Deeper understanding into Protheans
+ huge upgrade to weaponry, armour and squad
Bad points
- Should have been a freebee for preorderers.
- Kinda short for a stand alone DLC
From Ashes DLC is out now for 800 Microsoft Points
Review: I Am Alive
Being in development for four years, I Am Alive has finally made its appearance on the Live Arcade title list, and so far has made a decent impression on the gaming community.
While not standing out for its graphic content (Looking at least back to the original Xbox) what adds great depth into this game is its audio. The sounds of your environment, from the lonely echo of the wind and dust to the falling of rubble, each small sound adds character and emotion to the game, as does the voice actor for our protagonist voiced by Carlo Mestroni. During gameplay there will be some cheap scares and some cheap laughs along the way when joined with a little girl known as Mei but these come very rarely and sadly do not make up for the faults.
Gameplay can become quite frustrating; when climbing controls tend to stick and this can lead to many deaths, while during combat, the targeting system tends to go by the deadliest enemy and locks onto him, barely allowing any change to targets. When forcibly aiming down at an enemy far away with one in front of him, bullets or arrows will pass through this AI and kill the enemy targeted, leaving the other intact.
Hints can be ridiculously pointless, such as "HINT: You are going the wrong way" and "HINT: Your map can show you where your objective is. Press Y to open." Whereas they miss the more important facts such as what effects your ending score, such as morality choices, to become a cannibal or not ect ect. Sadly, many bugs has also been found, such as a loss of items during saves, the entire game freezing over an hour of gameplay and so on.
Lastly, while the Campaign's storyline is of decent quality (Also quite realistic future) the ending(s) were sloppy, rushed and bosses were ridiculously easy, even on survival mode.
While I Am Alive is a decent game to fill in the time, for a game that has taken 4 years to be produced, the wait was not worth it, nor the microsoft points. This game is for those who are looking for an easy challenge but definitely don't expect a sequel.
Out of 10 I gave I Am Alive an 5.5/10
Good points
+ Entertaining dialogue
+ Interesting mix of puzzle/horror
Bad points
- Dissapointing plot twists
- Graphics are sadly terrible
- Controls are quite sticky
- Bugs = game rage
- Hints are useless for beginners
I Am Alive is out now for download for 1200 Microsoft Points
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips - Xbox 720 Rumours
Also with some contraversy with the ME3 ending.
For all full links, please check out the Youtube channel.
Thanks for watching!
For all full links, please check out the Youtube channel.
Thanks for watching!
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Review: Mass Effect 3
***WARNING! Possible spoilers lay ahead!***
For the final time, gamers are now stepping into the shoes of Commander Shepard as the entire galaxy turns to chaos as the hands (Or tenacles) of the Reapers. As each cluster of planets falls under Reaper control, the universe turns to Shepard to rally the troops and forces of the galaxy and end the cycle of genocide once and for all.
After playing the demo for three weeks, my expectations were extremely high for the completed game and I must admit, EA and Bioware definitely delivered more than what gamers and fans could have hoped for. One of the first things to notice is the graphics, as many gamers do. With detail right down from the metal on weaponry to skin cells on humans, the galaxy of Mass Effect has such beauty to behold, whether its flying through space or watching a planet burn as the fight for survival ensues. Sound quality is of brilliant perspective, musical score alongside it also. While still staying true to its classical score, a reintergration of rock and metal tunes brings much to a battle or a literally jaw-dropping moment inside gameplay. Voice acting is, once again, some of the greatest I have heard in my years of gaming. A return of Martin Sheen as The Illusive Man brings class as well as horror and sincerity to his role while Steve Blum as Grunt brings both comedy and sadness with such terrifying scenery during gameplay.
Speaking of which, Mass Effect 3 has the best in the series of gameplay; controlling powers (Biotic or tech) has become much more smoother during battle as well as travelling inside the Citadel or space alike.
That also, is the main crux of the game; exploration. Whether its during a trip with the Normandy and its crew or even on the battlefield, each and every mission (Active or not) requires you to search everywhere for information, data, cures for poison, anything is possible.
During trips to the Citadel (And trust me, you'll need to) overheard conversations can be turned into side missions, where on main missions or "Priority" missions, you can find particular items to help out random refugees, soldiers or civillians alike on the Citadel. Need a boost to your Paragon/Renegade? Walk around a little bit and there will be two people arguing or talking and each has their own opinon about a particular topic (The war, distribution of Med-Gel, criminals ect) but pick carefully; each has their own opinion and one is either the Paragon or Renegade. Each decision counts on whether later on you can pick the closed off options during later gameplay.
After just finishing the Campaign myself, I tried a go at the Multiplayer and I will admit, the completed version is much better. More options for unlockable packages are available (Such as the Specter Pack or Enviromental Pack) which change regularly.
There are still a few bugs to be kinked out but there are many more things available to the player such as more playable characters in each class, more weaponry, customisation of character and so on.
So far, I cannot believe the utterly astounding job that EA and Bioware has made the series into and with the announcement of a continuation of the series, I look forward to the next game.
Out of 10, I gave Mass Effect 3 an 10/10
Good Points
+ Jaw-dropping campaign
+ Sublime detail, SF, voice acting ect
+ Creative multiplayer
+ Fantastic start, middle....
Bad Points
- ....Kinda lazy ending....
- Multiplayer bug issues
Mass Effect 3 is now available worldwide, for the standard price of $78.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Ask Fatman - Remembering Highschool
Thanks for watching, hope you enjoy the DERP thumbnail!
ME3 review posting tomorrow!
ME3 review posting tomorrow!
Sunday, 11 March 2012
"I Am Alive" Review Issues
G'day folks!
One quick note, I'm still playing Mass Effect 3 and the review will be out asap.
However, I downloaded "I Am Alive" today and ever since starting to play it its been freezing my Xbox entirely. I have to unplug the entire console just to turn it off. No idea what's causing it, its not XBL or overuse of the console (Since I haven't used it all day) so maybe its an issue with the download.....
So the review will be pushed back until I get it fixed. I've barely played 10 minutes of it any I can't get past the first task due to this issue.
I'll keep you guys informed.
New Fatman's Outtakes out tomorrow!
Thanks for reading!
One quick note, I'm still playing Mass Effect 3 and the review will be out asap.
However, I downloaded "I Am Alive" today and ever since starting to play it its been freezing my Xbox entirely. I have to unplug the entire console just to turn it off. No idea what's causing it, its not XBL or overuse of the console (Since I haven't used it all day) so maybe its an issue with the download.....
So the review will be pushed back until I get it fixed. I've barely played 10 minutes of it any I can't get past the first task due to this issue.
I'll keep you guys informed.
New Fatman's Outtakes out tomorrow!
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips - Quick News
Despite working 10+ hour shifts and working on other things, I still bring you a video, even after telling you I wasn't going to be back for a week.
Doesn't that show I care for you?
Thanks for watching!
Doesn't that show I care for you?
Thanks for watching!
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips Short - 4am Editing
Aaaaannd now its 6am....
I'm seriously buggered, but at least the 8th of March will come quicker!
Thanks for watching....Imma take a power nap....
I'm seriously buggered, but at least the 8th of March will come quicker!
Thanks for watching....Imma take a power nap....
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Review: Mass Effect 3 Demo

While us Aussies and most of the rest of the world watch in envy as many fans are now enjoying their copies of the full game of Mass Effect 3 and rescuing the universe, its time to say farewell to the demo that many of us have spent countless hours playing upon.
While the campaign gave us a small snippet into the world we must save, the real golden nugget in the demo was the multiplayer. Despite having only two maps to play on, both were as diverse and fun to play on as it was for the four players to stratergise with each other and where to hold out from.
Customisation was of epic proportion; by unlocking specific characters and upgrades, you can customise your character from what they wear, to the colour of the lights on their suit!
While Australia, New Zealand and Europe await Shepard's final battle to be handed over, we sit in awe at this behemoth that EA and Bioware have created. This gamer is particulary satisfied and can only kill time while we await the release.
Out of 10, I gave the Mass Effect 3 Demo an 8/10
Good points:
+ Incredibly designed for a demo
+ Highly addictive campaign and multiplayer
Bad points:
- Glitches are frequent...
- Packs can be a bit more organised....
(The multiplayer side of the Demo is no longer available but the Campaign missions are still able to be played in the Demo.)
Assassin's Creed 3 Information
Howdy folks!
Just in case for those wishing to not watch my 7 min video of bad explanation for the new game coming out, the following is my personal notes that I took from the site;
Link to the website: http://assassinscreed.ubi.com/ac3/en-AU/
Assassin's Creed 3
-Based in 1777
-Release date (30th Oct US, 31st Oct UK)
-Follows a man named "Connor"
-Not yet fully confirmed name
-New engine to develop game "Ubisoft-AnvilNext"
-Seasonal changes in-game; Sun shines brighter in summer, movements of soldiers will be harder during the winter snow ect
-Each season allows Connor to reach new areas.
-The new engine allows Connor to view up to 1000 soldiers in the midst of battle, with detailed close ups.
-Gameplay area is known as the "Frontier", which is 1 & 1/2 times bigger than Rome in Brotherhood. (Rome was 3 times
larger than Florence in AC2, but the Frontier is only slightly smaller than the Kingdom in AC1)
-Other cities to be explored are Boston and New York
-Fast travel will make a comeback.
-Climbing trees, cliff-faces, leaping to/from/over wagons jumping through windows and sliding under objects are now a
part of the free running new options.
-Players can now duel wield weapons
-New combat features "Double counters", "Multiple take-downs","Chain Kills" ect
-Connor's weaponry widens from such things as a simply as a knife to tomahawk, flintlock pistols, bows and arrows and
back to the Hidden Blade.
-The Target Locking system has been removed for a new version called the "Automated locking system" that attaches to
the closest enemy while you are in combat.
-Desmond will use the new Animus 3.0, which will reveal siginificant memories in history, as well as the return to the
100% syncronisation moments.
-Checkpoints are now introduced in all missions and side missions so that repeating full missions won't be necessary.
-Economy has changed from the use of money to animals. Connor can kill wild animal and sell them for trade.
The number of hits, damage and texture is taken into account and the better the quality, the more you can trade for it.
-Puzzles return to AC3, simular to Subject 16's in AC2, but this time around, they are not left by him.
-Puzzle missions like the Lair Of Romulus from Brotherhood will return also.
-Multiplayer is returning but Ubisoft has yet to reveal more.
Thanks for reading!
Just in case for those wishing to not watch my 7 min video of bad explanation for the new game coming out, the following is my personal notes that I took from the site;
Link to the website: http://assassinscreed.ubi.com/ac3/en-AU/
Assassin's Creed 3
-Based in 1777
-Release date (30th Oct US, 31st Oct UK)
-Follows a man named "Connor"
-Not yet fully confirmed name
-New engine to develop game "Ubisoft-AnvilNext"
-Seasonal changes in-game; Sun shines brighter in summer, movements of soldiers will be harder during the winter snow ect
-Each season allows Connor to reach new areas.
-The new engine allows Connor to view up to 1000 soldiers in the midst of battle, with detailed close ups.
-Gameplay area is known as the "Frontier", which is 1 & 1/2 times bigger than Rome in Brotherhood. (Rome was 3 times
larger than Florence in AC2, but the Frontier is only slightly smaller than the Kingdom in AC1)
-Other cities to be explored are Boston and New York
-Fast travel will make a comeback.
-Climbing trees, cliff-faces, leaping to/from/over wagons jumping through windows and sliding under objects are now a
part of the free running new options.
-Players can now duel wield weapons
-New combat features "Double counters", "Multiple take-downs","Chain Kills" ect
-Connor's weaponry widens from such things as a simply as a knife to tomahawk, flintlock pistols, bows and arrows and
back to the Hidden Blade.
-The Target Locking system has been removed for a new version called the "Automated locking system" that attaches to
the closest enemy while you are in combat.
-Desmond will use the new Animus 3.0, which will reveal siginificant memories in history, as well as the return to the
100% syncronisation moments.
-Checkpoints are now introduced in all missions and side missions so that repeating full missions won't be necessary.
-Economy has changed from the use of money to animals. Connor can kill wild animal and sell them for trade.
The number of hits, damage and texture is taken into account and the better the quality, the more you can trade for it.
-Puzzles return to AC3, simular to Subject 16's in AC2, but this time around, they are not left by him.
-Puzzle missions like the Lair Of Romulus from Brotherhood will return also.
-Multiplayer is returning but Ubisoft has yet to reveal more.
Thanks for reading!
Fatman's Gaming Tips - Assassin's Creed 3 Revealed!
Special thanks to Zero Gs 22 and RIZZA SUPREME for asking for this video.
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Monday, 5 March 2012
Assassin's Creed 3 Countdown Link
G'day there guys and gals!
This is just a really quick message for those of us outside the timezone of Canada.
After waking up this morning and checking the clock, it seems that we have 20 hours left until the big release of all the information of Assassin's Creed 3. By that logic, all the information will be unlocked on the following time below:
Tuesday 6th March, 3:00am AEST
Tuesday 6th March 1:00am AWST
Sadly, I have work the next day, so me sitting up to 3am won't be done, but for those who wish to do so, now you know!
Time will differ to different zones; for example, the folks in New Zealand will have the info released at 5:00am.
Link below is to the countdown, keep an eye out! Once unlocked, most of the information should be there, as well as other sites alongside it.
Thanks for reading and enjoy!
Al Fatman
This is just a really quick message for those of us outside the timezone of Canada.
After waking up this morning and checking the clock, it seems that we have 20 hours left until the big release of all the information of Assassin's Creed 3. By that logic, all the information will be unlocked on the following time below:
Tuesday 6th March, 3:00am AEST
Tuesday 6th March 1:00am AWST
Sadly, I have work the next day, so me sitting up to 3am won't be done, but for those who wish to do so, now you know!
Time will differ to different zones; for example, the folks in New Zealand will have the info released at 5:00am.
Link below is to the countdown, keep an eye out! Once unlocked, most of the information should be there, as well as other sites alongside it.
Thanks for reading and enjoy!
Al Fatman
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips - Assassin's Creed 3 News
7th times the charm folks!
Thanks for being patient, so here it is!
Thanks for watching too!
Thanks for being patient, so here it is!
Thanks for watching too!
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Uploading Pain....
G'day there guys and gals!
*Edit: Youtube is being a real pain and having issue with processing my vids. It freezes right near the end. After waiting two hours for the 6th upload to finish processing, I'm calling it. I'll wait till tomorrow afternoon and then post the new episode. The info will be slightly more outdated, but I guess I can't help it. Thanks for understanding folks.*
While I wait for the new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips to upload (the third time uploading the particular video now), I'd thought I'd share some news on the world of Fatman.
Firstly, I was very surprised to come on here and see my site has shot up 300 views in one night! Utterly astounding and I'd like to thank each and every person who is reading these words! Who'd have thunk it?
I've also been working on many new reviews, including my upcoming review for the Mass Effect 3 Demo. Many people are probably thinking "But the Demo has been out for weeks now, why bother?", well the reason to this is because its a demo. To those around who read my Gears 3 Beta review, I posted it one week before the Beta finished. This time around, I'll be posting my review on it March 5th, one day before the American release date for the game. And once I've completed the game itself, expect a review for that as soon as I can. Knowing my rashness to avoid sleep and continue playing at 4am, five hours before work, expect it to be released within the first week or little after that.
Lastly, before I go, some people have been mentioning my NS: Generations review to be a little unfair, claiming the game has changed in many ways. Being a reviewer, I stand by what I've said. After replaying some of the missions in NS: Ninja Storm 2, I've noticed many more simularities. I won't go into detail, but hopefully the finished game is slightly different. Changing a characters pose, the HUD and small details does not make it a brand new game, especially when said game also brings in the same missions of the last 3 games in the series.
Off this depressing topic, I hope you enjoy the new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips, once its finally out that is! Next Ask Fatman episode out soon, with an Outtakes coming soon!
So keep asking me those questions and I'll answer them!
Thanks for sticking by me folks!
And, as always, have fun and game on!
*Edit: Youtube is being a real pain and having issue with processing my vids. It freezes right near the end. After waiting two hours for the 6th upload to finish processing, I'm calling it. I'll wait till tomorrow afternoon and then post the new episode. The info will be slightly more outdated, but I guess I can't help it. Thanks for understanding folks.*
While I wait for the new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips to upload (the third time uploading the particular video now), I'd thought I'd share some news on the world of Fatman.
Firstly, I was very surprised to come on here and see my site has shot up 300 views in one night! Utterly astounding and I'd like to thank each and every person who is reading these words! Who'd have thunk it?
I've also been working on many new reviews, including my upcoming review for the Mass Effect 3 Demo. Many people are probably thinking "But the Demo has been out for weeks now, why bother?", well the reason to this is because its a demo. To those around who read my Gears 3 Beta review, I posted it one week before the Beta finished. This time around, I'll be posting my review on it March 5th, one day before the American release date for the game. And once I've completed the game itself, expect a review for that as soon as I can. Knowing my rashness to avoid sleep and continue playing at 4am, five hours before work, expect it to be released within the first week or little after that.
Lastly, before I go, some people have been mentioning my NS: Generations review to be a little unfair, claiming the game has changed in many ways. Being a reviewer, I stand by what I've said. After replaying some of the missions in NS: Ninja Storm 2, I've noticed many more simularities. I won't go into detail, but hopefully the finished game is slightly different. Changing a characters pose, the HUD and small details does not make it a brand new game, especially when said game also brings in the same missions of the last 3 games in the series.
Off this depressing topic, I hope you enjoy the new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips, once its finally out that is! Next Ask Fatman episode out soon, with an Outtakes coming soon!
So keep asking me those questions and I'll answer them!
Thanks for sticking by me folks!
And, as always, have fun and game on!
Friday, 2 March 2012
Review: AC Revelations DLC - The Lost Achives
***WARNING! This review contains huge, and I mean, HUGE amounts of spoilers for both the DLC and the entire Assassin's Creed series. If you don't wish to spoil both the past and future games of the series, it might be best for you to stop reading! Proceed at your own risk!***
G'day there guys and gals!
The first Campaign DLC for Revelations has been released and with this, many fans are ready, willing and able to purchase the first installment. The Lost Archive, for the first time in the series, does not follow Desmond Miles, however he is only briefly mentioned. The player takes Clay Kaczmarek, AKA Subject 16, into the world of the animus, playable only in the relm of First Person, much like the Desmond memories but with upgraded puzzles, new obsticles and new ways to get around them.
Each mission is set like the Campaign, starting with Memory 1 and the title. Not much vocal work is heard during the beginning but key moments and very secret topics have been revealed, that have so far only been guessed at by the fans. Moments in Clay's past are revealed; parental history, how he got to Abstergo, meeting Lucy and so on.
Much of the graphical work has had a shine upon them, but the real amazement is the new detail upon the puzzle platforms, walls, windows and such. Audio quality, as always, is brilliantly crisp and easily heard. Gameplay can be slightly simular to Portal to a degree, especially with the new ability, the Jump Pad. As the name suggest, its a small blue pad that if you jump while standing on it, will send you high in the air, making travel quicker. However, if you miss landing on the pad, you will be hurt, slowing you down for some time, even more possible to die as well. Also, new traps await you, including a new yellow beam that turns objects yellow and makes them heavier as well as moving block of light that are activated by switches.
But what's the most impressive of all is the storyline
***Last chance! Spoilers ahead***
During the gameplay, you are able to pick up special items, such as memos, letters and emails. Memos mostly contain information from Abstergo, letters from Clay's mother or father and emails from Lucy. While Lucy has brief moments in the game, the largest secret is revealed.
Lucy is indeed a templar.
She was born into the Brotherhood of the Assassins, but its suggested by Warren Vidic (Who reveals this information while summing up information for Lucy) that her parents abandoned her, as well as the Assassins, letting her proceed to reach out to the Templars. She offered her services to give information as well as the location of the Pieces of Eden to the Templars while still pretending to be loyal to the order. In reality, Lucy only trusted one person with this secret; Subject 16.
Vidic also reveals the plans for the Satelite Launch, wanting to send a POE up to space in order to control the globe. This suggests that the Templars already have their hands on one.
***Alright, end of spoilers. All major ones anyway***
While being overwhelming in its storyline, the entire DLC is a decent 2 hours long, more for those whom aren't that good at puzzle games. While revealing so much about the series, The Lost Archives truly gives the player more questions than answers.
Truly a worthy buy for fans.
Out of 10, I gave the DLC The Lost Archive an 8.5/10
Good Points:
+ Utterly jaw-dropping storyline
+ Fantastic new puzzles and voice acting
+ A peek at AC3
Bad Points:
- The ending was sloppy...
- A sprint button around larger areas would have been nice.
The Lost Archives is out now for 800 Microsoft Points
(The DLC includes the preorder mission "Vlad The Impaler" as well as Campaign Skin and more!)
G'day there guys and gals!
The first Campaign DLC for Revelations has been released and with this, many fans are ready, willing and able to purchase the first installment. The Lost Archive, for the first time in the series, does not follow Desmond Miles, however he is only briefly mentioned. The player takes Clay Kaczmarek, AKA Subject 16, into the world of the animus, playable only in the relm of First Person, much like the Desmond memories but with upgraded puzzles, new obsticles and new ways to get around them.
Each mission is set like the Campaign, starting with Memory 1 and the title. Not much vocal work is heard during the beginning but key moments and very secret topics have been revealed, that have so far only been guessed at by the fans. Moments in Clay's past are revealed; parental history, how he got to Abstergo, meeting Lucy and so on.
Much of the graphical work has had a shine upon them, but the real amazement is the new detail upon the puzzle platforms, walls, windows and such. Audio quality, as always, is brilliantly crisp and easily heard. Gameplay can be slightly simular to Portal to a degree, especially with the new ability, the Jump Pad. As the name suggest, its a small blue pad that if you jump while standing on it, will send you high in the air, making travel quicker. However, if you miss landing on the pad, you will be hurt, slowing you down for some time, even more possible to die as well. Also, new traps await you, including a new yellow beam that turns objects yellow and makes them heavier as well as moving block of light that are activated by switches.
But what's the most impressive of all is the storyline
***Last chance! Spoilers ahead***
During the gameplay, you are able to pick up special items, such as memos, letters and emails. Memos mostly contain information from Abstergo, letters from Clay's mother or father and emails from Lucy. While Lucy has brief moments in the game, the largest secret is revealed.
Lucy is indeed a templar.
She was born into the Brotherhood of the Assassins, but its suggested by Warren Vidic (Who reveals this information while summing up information for Lucy) that her parents abandoned her, as well as the Assassins, letting her proceed to reach out to the Templars. She offered her services to give information as well as the location of the Pieces of Eden to the Templars while still pretending to be loyal to the order. In reality, Lucy only trusted one person with this secret; Subject 16.
Vidic also reveals the plans for the Satelite Launch, wanting to send a POE up to space in order to control the globe. This suggests that the Templars already have their hands on one.
***Alright, end of spoilers. All major ones anyway***
While being overwhelming in its storyline, the entire DLC is a decent 2 hours long, more for those whom aren't that good at puzzle games. While revealing so much about the series, The Lost Archives truly gives the player more questions than answers.
Truly a worthy buy for fans.
Out of 10, I gave the DLC The Lost Archive an 8.5/10
Good Points:
+ Utterly jaw-dropping storyline
+ Fantastic new puzzles and voice acting
+ A peek at AC3
Bad Points:
- The ending was sloppy...
- A sprint button around larger areas would have been nice.
The Lost Archives is out now for 800 Microsoft Points
(The DLC includes the preorder mission "Vlad The Impaler" as well as Campaign Skin and more!)
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Saints Row The Third - Talking To Myself
Does anyone below the age of 15 get this title name?
"Well there's nothing to loose, and nothing to prove and I'm"......?
Dancing With Myself, Billy Idol. Go listen to it!
Thanks for watching!
"Well there's nothing to loose, and nothing to prove and I'm"......?
Dancing With Myself, Billy Idol. Go listen to it!
Thanks for watching!
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