While us Aussies and most of the rest of the world watch in envy as many fans are now enjoying their copies of the full game of Mass Effect 3 and rescuing the universe, its time to say farewell to the demo that many of us have spent countless hours playing upon.
While the campaign gave us a small snippet into the world we must save, the real golden nugget in the demo was the multiplayer. Despite having only two maps to play on, both were as diverse and fun to play on as it was for the four players to stratergise with each other and where to hold out from.
Customisation was of epic proportion; by unlocking specific characters and upgrades, you can customise your character from what they wear, to the colour of the lights on their suit!
While Australia, New Zealand and Europe await Shepard's final battle to be handed over, we sit in awe at this behemoth that EA and Bioware have created. This gamer is particulary satisfied and can only kill time while we await the release.
Out of 10, I gave the Mass Effect 3 Demo an 8/10
Good points:
+ Incredibly designed for a demo
+ Highly addictive campaign and multiplayer
Bad points:
- Glitches are frequent...
- Packs can be a bit more organised....
(The multiplayer side of the Demo is no longer available but the Campaign missions are still able to be played in the Demo.)
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