***WARNING! Possible spoilers lay ahead!***
For the final time, gamers are now stepping into the shoes of Commander Shepard as the entire galaxy turns to chaos as the hands (Or tenacles) of the Reapers. As each cluster of planets falls under Reaper control, the universe turns to Shepard to rally the troops and forces of the galaxy and end the cycle of genocide once and for all.
After playing the demo for three weeks, my expectations were extremely high for the completed game and I must admit, EA and Bioware definitely delivered more than what gamers and fans could have hoped for. One of the first things to notice is the graphics, as many gamers do. With detail right down from the metal on weaponry to skin cells on humans, the galaxy of Mass Effect has such beauty to behold, whether its flying through space or watching a planet burn as the fight for survival ensues. Sound quality is of brilliant perspective, musical score alongside it also. While still staying true to its classical score, a reintergration of rock and metal tunes brings much to a battle or a literally jaw-dropping moment inside gameplay. Voice acting is, once again, some of the greatest I have heard in my years of gaming. A return of Martin Sheen as The Illusive Man brings class as well as horror and sincerity to his role while Steve Blum as Grunt brings both comedy and sadness with such terrifying scenery during gameplay.
Speaking of which, Mass Effect 3 has the best in the series of gameplay; controlling powers (Biotic or tech) has become much more smoother during battle as well as travelling inside the Citadel or space alike.
That also, is the main crux of the game; exploration. Whether its during a trip with the Normandy and its crew or even on the battlefield, each and every mission (Active or not) requires you to search everywhere for information, data, cures for poison, anything is possible.
During trips to the Citadel (And trust me, you'll need to) overheard conversations can be turned into side missions, where on main missions or "Priority" missions, you can find particular items to help out random refugees, soldiers or civillians alike on the Citadel. Need a boost to your Paragon/Renegade? Walk around a little bit and there will be two people arguing or talking and each has their own opinon about a particular topic (The war, distribution of Med-Gel, criminals ect) but pick carefully; each has their own opinion and one is either the Paragon or Renegade. Each decision counts on whether later on you can pick the closed off options during later gameplay.
After just finishing the Campaign myself, I tried a go at the Multiplayer and I will admit, the completed version is much better. More options for unlockable packages are available (Such as the Specter Pack or Enviromental Pack) which change regularly.
There are still a few bugs to be kinked out but there are many more things available to the player such as more playable characters in each class, more weaponry, customisation of character and so on.
So far, I cannot believe the utterly astounding job that EA and Bioware has made the series into and with the announcement of a continuation of the series, I look forward to the next game.
Out of 10, I gave Mass Effect 3 an 10/10
Good Points
+ Jaw-dropping campaign
+ Sublime detail, SF, voice acting ect
+ Creative multiplayer
+ Fantastic start, middle....
Bad Points
- ....Kinda lazy ending....
- Multiplayer bug issues
Mass Effect 3 is now available worldwide, for the standard price of $78.
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