Saturday, 3 March 2012

Uploading Pain....

G'day there guys and gals!

*Edit: Youtube is being a real pain and having issue with processing my vids. It freezes right near the end. After waiting two hours for the 6th upload to finish processing, I'm calling it. I'll wait till tomorrow afternoon and then post the new episode. The info will be slightly more outdated, but I guess I can't help it. Thanks for understanding folks.*

While I wait for the new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips to upload (the third time uploading the particular video now), I'd thought I'd share some news on the world of Fatman.

Firstly, I was very surprised to come on here and see my site has shot up 300 views in one night! Utterly astounding and I'd like to thank each and every person who is reading these words! Who'd have thunk it?
I've also been working on many new reviews, including my upcoming review for the Mass Effect 3 Demo. Many people are probably thinking "But the Demo has been out for weeks now, why bother?", well the reason to this is because its a demo. To those around who read my Gears 3 Beta review, I posted it one week before the Beta finished. This time around, I'll be posting my review on it March 5th, one day before the American release date for the game. And once I've completed the game itself, expect a review for that as soon as I can. Knowing my rashness to avoid sleep and continue playing at 4am, five hours before work, expect it to be released within the first week or little after that.

Lastly, before I go, some people have been mentioning my NS: Generations review to be a little unfair, claiming the game has changed in many ways. Being a reviewer, I stand by what I've said. After replaying some of the missions in NS: Ninja Storm 2, I've noticed many more simularities. I won't go into detail, but hopefully the finished game is slightly different. Changing a characters pose, the HUD and small details does not make it a brand new game, especially when said game also brings in the same missions of the last 3 games in the series.

Off this depressing topic, I hope you enjoy the new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips, once its finally out that is! Next Ask Fatman episode out soon, with an Outtakes coming soon!
So keep asking me those questions and I'll answer them!

Thanks for sticking by me folks!
And, as always, have fun and game on!

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