***WARNING: This DLC review has some huge plot twists. For those whom wish not to ruin the Campaign for themselves, it might be best to look away now.***
After the fall of Earth, this mission becomes available for anyone whom wishes to partake in recruiting one more active member for your team. And this one has been waiting for 50'000 years.
Once again, Shepard and the crew head back to Eden Prime to a dig site that Ceberus has rudely interrupted. On the planet, they discover a life pod the Protheans used back on Ilos.
And this one is still active.
To not dive right into this, let's move onto some finer topics. Nothing defines this DLC directly from the rest of the Campaign so far, however it involves a slightly different styling. This DLC involves some puzzle solving and searching for clues; this is quite simular to the last DLC in Mass Effect 2 "The Arrival".
During the final moments of the DLC, it involves multiplayer like system by surviving waves of Cerberus troops while the Pod opens.
***Last warning! Huge spoilers ahead!***
What really sets this DLC apart is the storyline. If it isn't obvious enough, the extra recruit is a Prothean, the last known alive in the entire galaxy.
While unlocking the clues, due to Shepard's contact with The Beacon in ME1, his understanding in this particular outposts' final moments becomes clearer as more history is revealed to him and him alone. And as the Pod awakens, Shepard discovers so much more about them.
This Prothean is named Javik and was a Commander in his time. It turns out that the Protheans had a dictatorship that covered the entire galaxy. All races became Prothean and those who denied them were extinguished. The only rare cases of holding back in this case was the Prothean's contact with the Asari, humans and Hanar.
While this DLC isn't necessary for a purchase, your team will be all the much stronger if you do indeed add this to your collection. For those who are interested in the history of Mass Effect and such, this DLC is for you.
Out of 10, I gave From Ashes an 8/10
Good points
+ Puzzle solving in ME3 = sweetness
+ Deeper understanding into Protheans
+ huge upgrade to weaponry, armour and squad
Bad points
- Should have been a freebee for preorderers.
- Kinda short for a stand alone DLC
From Ashes DLC is out now for 800 Microsoft Points
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