First off I'd like to apologise for not getting around to Sony or Nintendo's conference, in perfect timing, I had gotten ill right before E3 so the last day of the conferences was an incredible struggle to write and watch as my entire body felt like death. In truth, I'm still recovering!
But regardless, I covered as much as I can and all the info you need is out there. I already have ideas for next year, including links to the trailers (if possible) and general opinions on what game. You may see I try to chuck in some observational stuff here and there when the streams tend to slow down.
As for the meaning of this post, I also have updated and improved the upcoming review list to the right of this post. You can see what games/consoles I'll be reviewing in the near future (as always, subject to change), as well as games I'm anticipating for release. Otherwise, stay tuned for when games are released, or I'll be reviewing whatever I can here and there to fill the quiet release period between now and the AAA releases.
As always, you can be notified by following me here, or on Twitter.I tend to tweet a lot about odd things I see during the day or maybe my experiences in gaming.
That pretty much covers it! Again, thank you for all the massive support for TL;DR Info, as well as my reviews here. Every single one of you keeps me going.
And as always, have fun and game on!
My pick for Best Reveal of E3? Metro Exodus.
I knew AC Origins was coming but I absolutely forgot about the Metro leak earlier on in the year. I loved the previous games, and the books (you can find a playthough for both here and here!), let me know what you think of it!
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