Welcome to TL;DR Info, a quick need-to-know basis about all things E3.
The following is for the Ubisoft E3 Conference 2017
Stay tuned for more from other developers in the coming days!
South Park The Fractured But Whole
- Peppermint Hippo stripclub location
- "Stop sending reference photos" - I love the Ubi community
- Heavily story base
- "friends are divided - what will you do?"
- Wendy is "Call Girl"
- upgraded turn based fighter
- Still many callbacks to jokes from the show
- October 17th release
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
- Oh god - war flashbacks incoming to childhood arguments
- Rabbits have made a comeback - with Mario themes
- Nintendo collaborating with Ubisoft
- "Try and make a Mario game that hasn't been made before"
- More than 3 year development
- Nintendo Switch exclusive
- Colourful mario theme, but with Rabbids dressed as characters
- World is unstable and chaotic of mixing worlds
- Collectable coins
- Work together on puzzles to save the mushroom kingdom
- 2.5D explorable world
- Turnbased tactical combat
- Some rabbids have turned bad - main antagonists?
- Expand movement zone with help from allies
- allies and enemies have health bars
- Mario special ability - hero sight - see enemies through walls
- More tactic tools, combat set ups, different heroes/weapons as you progress
- Different rabbid enemy types - as well as classic Mario enemies
- Amiibo figurines from store.ubi.com
- August 29th
- Egypt based
- "Show how it all began"
- 3 and a half year development
- Scenary seems much more bright than before
- Oasis and desert based with vegetation here and there
- Chariot and ship usage
- Plentiful wildlife
- Crocodiles, Hyenas, flamingos
- mass amount of crowds and civillians
- Ships can catch fire!
- Open world!
- Explore the area around you with your eagle
- Infiltrate camps with stealth or blades running
- October 27th, all major consoles
- Planes flying in cities?
- Impressive facial graphics
- Cutscenes clearly- not gameplay yet
- Transition from city to dirt racing - drive from lush sport cars to dirt bikes and planes!
- Cities, outback, small forests, mountainsides
- Boats too!
- Animals also appear in game
- Own the streets, go offroad to view scenary,
- race up rivers or through the ocean, waves "unpredictable"
- Helicopters also appear to be racable
- Early 2018 release - thecrewgame.com/beta
- VR with Elijah Wood!
- "Feel as if youre in a movie"
- Horror based
- "recorded conscientiousness" horror
- Spring 2018 - (Autumn)
- Ubisoft Singapore
- 1721 - seems to be pirate themed!
- Narration - (insert GCN ding here)
- Sunken ships, dead bodies...that look surprisingly real
- English ships being hunted by a lady pirate captain!
- Ship battles!
- Pirates attacking pirates? How very...piraty
- All the booty is at the bottom of the sea - that's greed for ya
- Now onto gameplay
- Tactical Action game - inspired by AC4
- Shared systematic world - take on the sea alone or together
- "Become the ultimate pirate kingpin"
- 5v5 PvP
- Water graphics look fairly good!
- Gameplay looks incredibly like Assassin's Creed 4
- Use the winds to your advantage
- Scouts keep lookout for other ships and help with tactics
- Team that escapes with most loot wins
- Different areas of the ship are controlled by you but through your crew
- Mini map shows currents beneath your ship
- Teamwork makes the dreamwork against larger enemies
- Make enemy ships vulnerable to board them and take it for your own
- "Pirate Hunters" - Man Of War signal end of the hunt
Target the ones with the most loot - only option is escape - "When you act - the world reacts"
- skullandbonesgame.com - early beta access
- Fall 2018
Just Dance 2018
- Here comes the dancers - Wouldn't be a Ubi conference
- They're light up Scorpions from MK!
- Plentiful songs
- Background looks like music videos with stars
- October release
South Park Phone Destroyer
Starlink: Battle For Atlas- South Park Cowboys and Indians?
- Mobile game!
- Multiple carracters from all across the SP characters
- Turn based fighter
- 2017 release
- Powered by snowdrop
- Hey space!
- Travel to different planets
- Giant glowing robot enemies
- Build your ship from bits and pieces IRL
- Star Wars Rebel graphics
- IRL ships connect to your controller as you play
- Open starsystem to explore
- Build your custom starship - adapt to things on the fly
- Collect with physical and digital ships
- Coming on the Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox
- Fall 2018 - more in a few months
Far Cry 5
- Crazy people singing Amazing Grace - but the antag can...actually sing
- Hope County is overrun by a fanatic group
- "People are f**king scared"
- You and your guns-for-hire have to save the county
- Camera tracks enemies once more
- Non-talking protag
- Seems much more brighter and colourful than its old predecessors
- Co-Op are your "friends for hire"
- Fly in planes and take down enemies in them and helicopters
- Closed in boxed in city
- Monkey with robot arm!
- Table flip by tattooed pig - a sentence I never thought of writing
- Humans live among humanoid animals
- Futuristic vehicles: Bikes, ships, weaponry etc
- Wilhelm Scream
- Old buildings have futuristic tech built into them - temples and such
- Did not see that reveal coming!
- Almost 15 years since the last game
- System 3 - Prequel to the main game
- Corporations make hybrid animals
- "Fight in the name of freedom"
- Discover unknown lands with or without friends
- No gameplay or release date so expect something in the future
- Steep Expansion - Road To The Olympics December 5th release
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