Welcome to TL;DR Info, a quick need-to-know basis about all things E3.
The following is for the Microsoft Briefing 2017
Stay tuned for more from other developers in the coming days!
Xbox One X (Project Scorpio)
- "Most powerful console yet"
- November 7th release date - worldwide launch
- Focus on "you the gamer"
- Power, compatibility, craftmanshio
- Six Teraflops. 1.162 Ghz
- 326GBs memory bandwidth
- 12 GDDR Memory
- True 4K - 8 million pixels
- Dolby Atmos Sound
- 4k UDH Blu Ray
- All Xbox One games will work with Xbox One X
- 4K games will still be improved on 1080p tvs
- "Fastest processor ever to power a console"
- Liquid-Cooled vapor chamber - IN A CONSOLE
- Smallest Xbox One ever
- $499 - roughly $649 Australian
Forza Motorsport 7
- Partnership with Porsche
- Massively improved graphics and attention to detail
- Runs at native 4K and 60 FPS
- Recreated the rafite(?) mountain pass
- Car parts rattle and vibrate as you drive
- Race through living environments (changing environments)
- High detail on weather
- Coming to Windows 10 and Xbox - October 3rd 2017
- "Most technically advanced racing game
Metro Exodus
- True 4K
- Post apocalyptic world - Dead yetis(?)
- Massive improvement to graphics
- Windows 10 and XBox One
- New weapons
- Same limited HUD
- City has begun to regrow
- Topside breathable
- Plantlife returns
- Storms make a comeback
- CROSSBOWS - Explosive crossbow bolts!
- Wolves and animals have returned (BEARS - MUTANT BEAR)
- Can use zip-lines
- Anna returns!
- Trains on surface work
Assassin's Creed Origins
- Egypt - in 4K
- Ships
- Pyramid sliding
- Horseback arrow shooting
- Fight crocodiles
- Fighting looks improved
- Return of the bow and arrow
- Play as a Medjai - Bayek (?) - Siwa is his home
- Creation of the Assassin's Brotherhood
- "More detail and alive"
- Pyramids are still being built
- Animals make a return - possibly to hunt
- You have an eagle friend! - Seluum
- Use horses in the city
- Very AC Unity - enemies have strength levels
- Climbing parkor has returned, and much faster - reminiscent of AC3
- Jump and use bow - In slow mo!
- Hide in tall grass
- RPG-eske ala AC Unity - change weapons you find off enemies
- No more run and kill(?) - Bayek will stop you killing enemies if its "too risky"
- Ability Points
- Use of shield and dodging to defeat enemies
- Targets can run if not confident
- Elephants
- October 27th this year
- "Development is community driven"
- Exclusive to Xbox One
- Massive online shooter
- Enhanced with Xbox One X - 4K
- Use of vehicles
- Day and night cycle - weather change - utter chaos of explosions
- Melee weapons and stealth
- Late 2017 release date
Deep Rock Galactic
----------------------------------------------------- Exclusive
- Space!
- Very blocky animation
- 4K enhanced
- Features interactivity on Mixer
- Mining and exploration on other planets
- Alien creatures attack
State of Decay 2
- Post apocalyptic
- Simple but interesting graphics - very walking Dead-eske
- speedy and slow zombies
- Group together with other living allies
- Use of weapons and explosives
- Build your own home - grow food, defense, etc
- Hunger, cold, being bitten etc cause in game choices
- Green explosive zombies - also fatties
- Play Anywhere Title - Xbox or Windows 10
- Dodge and melee attacks
- Exclusive
- Reminds me of We Happy Few art style - or 3D Monkey island
- humans attacking each other - each with abilities
- Third Person combat - stealth, shield abilities (Different classes?)
- Game Show vibes - attack one another to survive.
Dragonball Fighter Z
- Anime style - Immediately spot the DBZ
- Same old style but looks cleaner and must sharper - classic 2D graphics
- New DBZ fighter
- animations looks fantastic
- Heaps of street fighter vibes
Black Desert
- Exclusive - 4K Xbox One X
- Beautiful landscape sin all sorts of weather
- Mythical vibe - humans and creatures side by side
- Multiple classes to fight as against heaps of enemies
- Creatures, humans, all different types of fights
- JRPG inspired
- Early 2018 release
The Last Night
- Exclusive - 4K
- Sidescroller 2.5 16 bit gameplay style
- Shooter/fighter
- Futuristic
The Artful Escape
- Exclusive
- Side scroller
- Colourful art style
- Musically themed
- Protag uses music to move about the world
- Art style kinda like Guitar Hero
- JRPG style
- Post apocalyptic
- Battle demons and monsters
- Hack and slash
- Protags have special abilites
- 2018 release
Sea of Thieves
- Much better graphics than last time
- Sea looks fantastic
- Art style looks much more blocky - but still incredible and light hearted
- Explore shipwrecks - find treasures you need
- Every players discoveries are different
- Can take on sharks
- Explore cliffs, forests etc
- Each island has different themes
- Encounter people who want to take you on
- Take on skeletons - eat a banana
- Players solve riddles together
- Each player has a role - stay on the ship for get-aways, map bearers, etc
- Solve clues - get booty - fight the skeleton owners
- Allies can cause diversions - true teamwork is key
- Dynamic weather changes - rain and thunder
- Trade booty in at outposts - before someone steals your treasure
- Repair holes in the ship
- Climb into cannons to be transported quickly
- Coming to Xbox and Windows 10 - early 2018
- Spaaaaaaaace
- Virtual people?
- August 2
Super Lucky's Tale
- Kids game! Play as a fox - in 4K!
- Exclusive
- Colourful, very bright
- Ghosts, Plants, skeleton antagonists
- Platformer
- Solve puzzles and collect coins
- Dig tunnels to avoid enemies
- Animals help you out
- Almost reminds me of Diddy Kong Racing!
- November 7th release
- Exclusive
- Sidescroller - 1920's themed animation
- September 29th!
Crackdown 3
- Exclusive
- "Welcome to the Agency"
- Xbox One and Windows 10 exlusive - 4K
- Massive animation and graphical upgrade
- Futuristic theme has been taken to the next step
- Superhuman suits with shooty weapons of mass destruction
- Four players(?)
- "The dark is older than the light"
- INSIDE eske art style
- Battle monsters and creatures - melee style - swords, shields, spears, etc
- Xbox One and Windows 10
- Horror themed exploration
- Co-Op players(?)
Life Is Strange
- Story driven
- shows more of Chloe
- Different timeline?
- Crows seem to be a theme
- Prequel story?
- 3 episodes - I missed the release date sorry! - pre-order now
Middle Earth: Shadow Of War
- Orc battles return
- Richer colour
- More diverse areas to explore
- WEATHER! Finally
- Orc VS Orc - battle for control over clans
- Nemesis system expanded
- You can use the ring of power!
- Assault fortresses for gain to the army
- Same Batman fighting controls(?)
- Enemies all have power numbers
- Freeze enemies?!
- Dominate enemies "You serve the bright lord now"
- Lighter theme?! Jokes and such
- Stronger enemies have better benefits
- Oh hey Troy Baker!
- Orcs are waaaaaaaay more chatty
- Enemies can ambush you
- Seven new orc tribes added
- New weapons used by orcs!
- Plan out your attack against fortresses - bosses are strong
- Giant, mass of AI
- Suicide bomber orcs?!
- October 10th release
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
- Live piano at showing? Nice touch!
- Beautiful scenery, incredibly colourful
- Side scroller(?)
- Animals - control a little lemur?
- Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive
- Darkly themed - ghost creatures?
- Animals frozen into place
Backwards Compatible
- 385 Titles
- Crimson Skies to make a return
- "huge open world"
- Frostbite engine
- Massively colourful - looks beautiful
- Beautiful graphics....facial animations are GREAT
- Female protag - Freelancers - explore the unknown
- Robot people!
- Different robot suits enhance the player - almost reminds me of Halo with a Mass Effect vibe
- Exo suits - Javelins - heavily customisable
- Jump jets with the Exo Suits - fly through the air!
- Wildlife and thick forests
- Explore the world with your friends
- The world is hostile - plentiful of threats
- Suits can also be used to dive into water and caverns
- (Unless its scripted), protags talk about earning XP
- Equip your Exo with gear to defeat enemies quickly - and large bosses
- "Scars" - alien enemy type - can ambush players
- Find new weapons from enemies
- Discover new stories "off the beaten path"
- Storms are a big threat to players - lightning strikes, horrified animals, etc
- Xbox One
- Coming 2018
Various Indie titles
- Orisis
- Path of Exile
- Battlerite
- Suviving Mars
- Fable Fortune
- Observer
- Robocraft Infinity
- Dunk Lords
- Minion Masters
- Brawlout
- Ooblets
- Dark and Light
- Strange Brigade
- Riverbond
- Hello Neighbor
- Shift
- Conan Exiles
- 42 Games - 22 exclusives
- Games will play best on Xbox One X - still be fantastic on all Xboxs
- Community Marketplace for Minecraft - play together on whatever device
Free 4K (Super Duper Graphics) update - available this Fall - Everything here today is available for Pre-Order today
- 4K updates to Xbox branded games - Gears, Halo, etc
Games will also be enhanced
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