Welcome to TL;DR Info, a quick need-to-know basis about all things E3.
The following is for the Bethesda Showcase 2017
Stay tuned for more from other developers in the coming days!
- Bethesdaland?
Bethesda VR
- "Experiencing you won't find anywhere else
-Doom VFR
- Doom creatures
- Robotic protag
- mow down all different types of enemies from the original game
-Fallout VR
- Fallout but all interactive
- Hold items in your hands
- Creation tool are all in front of you in real time
- reload weapons in real time
ESO Morrowind
- Clockworth City comimg soon
Creation Club
- New content for Fallout 4 and Skyrim
- New crafting and housing
- Buy and download with credits
- Made by inside and outside devs
- All content will be compatible with add ons, saves etc
- Coming out this Summer (Winter)
Elder Scrolls Legends
- Skyrim pack(?)
- 29th of June release
Skyrim on Nintendo Switch
- Use of amibos?! Impressive!
- Can official play as Link in Skyrim! No use of mods anymore
- Motion controls control weaponry - swords, shields bows etc
Dishonored 2 DLC - Death fo the Outsiders
- New weaponry
- Story DLC about Billy
- 15th of September release
Quake Champions
- Graphics like Doom
- Special abilities in characters
- Serious Overwatch vibes
- BJ (Wolfenstein) in Quake? Nice!
- August 26th in QuakeCon
- Beta available now on quake.com
The Evil Within 2
- Horror game
- Sebastian protag - hunting for his dead, lost daughter
- almost oil painting art style - Dishonored-eske
- Giant faces in clay?
- Beautiful animations - clearly cutscenes though
- Zombies? - zombies
- Weapon and melee fighting
- hallucinations
- Mechanical creatures?
- giant monsters return
- improvement to the camera angels
- 13th of October 2017
Wolfenstein The New Colossus
- Real life cutsenes?
- Mid 20th century setting - With robot dogs
- Humanised cats?
- Nazis still in control
- Looks age appropriate now
- Anya has come back too! - AND SHES PREGGERS
- Old lady makes a return! Weirdly young though
- New graphic updates
- KKK allied with Nazis
- Ship battle
- New weapons and characters
- Revolution aim in america
- Robotic limbs make an appearance - technical advancement
- Control robotic creatures?!
- Lower HUD - Dual weaponry use!
- Fight against animals - Crocodiles!
- Kill nazis
- 27th October
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