Wednesday 22 December 2010

Upcoming Games

Hey folks

Recently I've been boosted up to 45 games. Me thinking that's a decent number, I thought hopefully in the coming year I could take it up to 60. Now my list for my upcoming games, as listed to the right, just below my profile picture  ===>
These games listed are mostly older titles, some being with the Original Xbox Console. But hopefully as soon as I buy some more recent games.
The first on the list is IGM's (Inside Gaming) Game Of The Year, Red Dead Redemption, which I bought barely 5 hours ago. I wasn't attracted to it at first, but after reading many reviews and many of my friends suggesting this game, I finally bought it. I've only just started doing a few of the missions and I'm starting to get into it. 
As you may have read earlier, I'm also looking forward to many upcoming games for next year and early 2012, such as Mass Effect 3, Prototype 2 and even the whisperings of the new Assassin's Creed coming in late next year  also....but this is only a rumour after all. 

So I've planned out the next few months of the reviews and such, when new games come in, so shall their reviews. I'm hoping to finish Red Dead Redemption by at least mid January. Also, I have recently purchased the Rising Dead DLC for RDR and the new DLC for The Force Unleashed II. If I have enough Gamerpoints left over, I shall buy Super Meat Boy....for out of interest....and a nagging best friend. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah and a delightful Quanza.

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