Tuesday 30 April 2013

Unschedualed Hiatus...kind of

Howdy folks.

Bad news and I'll keep it short; my laptop was lost. Not as in I misplaced it, lost as in some damn hacker got into my system and bugged the crap out of my laptop.
"But Fatman, if your laptop is gone, how are you writing this?"
Good question, Nobody.
With a combination of my old lady's 5+ year old crappy computer that forces me to rewrite nearly every word four times at least and on my phone.
So what does this mean?

All video production will be stopping for a month (since I lost all prerecorded videos too), including 95% of all reviews. I MAY be able to post some achievement guides but other than that, this blog will go silent for just over/under a month.

Okay, time to go. I'm getting more infuriated with this keyboard...ARGH!!
Thanks for understanding folks, take care.
As always, have fun and game on.

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