Tuesday 9 April 2013

Back From Holiday!

G'day folks!

Just a quick little update to inform you all that I'm back!
I'm back from holiday, it was awesome sitting around and doing absolutely nothing.

So, I still have a few reviews to give out and that will be coming soon, I promise you that.
I was sitting around doing absolutely nothing but I have written the first halves to both Bioshock Infinite and Walking Dead.
So those will be coming back ASAP.

Also, remember my promised new series? I'll have more news about that coming soon, but for now, I'll leave you with a hint. It's a segment on Fatman's Weekly Reports that has only been used twice and it's now making its way here!
Speaking of which, Monday-itis and Fatman's Weekly Report returns next week!

Thank you all for sticking around!

Have fun and game on!

Al Fatman

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