Tuesday 7 February 2012

Game Stats for Australia 2012

G'day there guys and gals!

During my everyday flick of the newspaper, I discovered a little piece by the NPD (National Poll Division) about that stats of what gamers bought last year, so here's the poll for you to read:

As of the end of 2011, these are the top 10 most bought games:
1: Modern Warfare 3
2: Battlefield 3
3: Skyrim
4: Black Ops
5: FIFA 12
6: Batman: Arkham City
7: Assassin's Creed Revelations
8: Pokemon White Version
9: LA Noire
10: Just Dance 3

These are the statistic of how many gamers are in Australia (in their own indivisual stat)
47% of Australian gamers are female
94% are kids aged 6 - 15
43% are adults aged over 51
83% are parents with kids under 18
The average Australian gamer is ages 32 and male.

Also, I'd like to give one last piece of news. 5000 views on this blog! This is amazing guys and I can't thank you enough to be watching me and reading what I write and watching what I do.
So thanks again and, as always, have fun and game on!

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