Sunday 26 February 2012

Huge storm and Vids soon!

Howdy there folks!
Just giving you some quick news in the world of Fatman!

As I write this there is a huuuuuuge storm going on; hail, rain, thunder, lighting, the whole she-bang. I've currently tried over five times to upload the new video of the Mass Effect 3 Demo Multiplayer walkthrough, but once this storm started, well, those dreams went out the window!
I'll be uploading the last two tomorrow (Fingers crossed) so that you can enjoy me screaming like a little girl "HE'S COMING FOR ME!", oddly enough this being the title of the next video.

Ask Fatman episodes will be out by the end of the week (just editing some mistakes I found) and possibly I'll be filming a video of Five Easy Achievements. Tell me down below if you want to see a video or not!
Last before I go, I recently purchased The Darkness 2 and I have to admit, I am LOVING IT. Almost at the end, I'll be playing this game (along with the ME3 Demo constantly) until my hearts content. No spoilers but I'm pretty satisfied with the game so far.

Thanks for reading folks and as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman.

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