Wednesday 1 February 2012

No Xbox 720 in 2012!

G'day there folks!

Just a little bit of a heads up: My Ask Fatman episode unfortunately mucked up during editing, as I realised that in the background, you can clearly hear the cries of my nephews, the yelling of people and a lawnmower. It was kinda annoying, but it looks like it'll be a wait till the next episode.
So keep asking those questions!
Also, to those who watched my last Fatman's Gaming Tips episode, I tried answering the question of "Is there going to be a Xbox 720 this year?" Well, Microsoft announced that there shall not be a new console this year. But they never mentioned if there wasn't going to be a hint at it...did they?
Check out the link below for Gamespots look on the matter

Lastly, before I go, I know I haven't been releasing a lot of written content as of recent. At the advice of some fellow gamers, I'm downloading a lot more Arcade titles to review them as we wait for 2012's releases. Also, some DLC's will be in the future as well, such as the new AC Revelations Meditteranean Defence Map Pack, and the MW3 Maps (once released to Non-Elite Members).

Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman

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