Wednesday 23 November 2011

2500 View Marker

I am simply at awe at the amount of view and I have no one else to thank but you!

You, the person reading these words have pushed me to be who I am and what I'm doing now, and I cannot thank you enough! All of you have been spreading the word of Al Fatman, making me known and taking my opinion on games everywhere into your own and making rational decisions, which is exactly what I set out to do!

So, for the 2500, thank you all so very, very much!

Now, onto some business: I've had alot of feedback for Ask Fatman and it looks really promising! The next episode will hopefully be out by Sunday. Also, I should (Fingers crossed) getting a proper camera tomorrow, so thats something to look forward to. The next Fatman's Gaming Tips, I'm putting together some topics and some news, if I think it's of interest, of course.

Otherwise, it's gonna be a bit of a wait!
No major game titles come out till March, with Mass Effect 3 (Which, oddly enough, is released 10 days before my birthday, so should be awesome) Hopefully, something that sparks my interest will come out to quench my time for ME3. If not, all this month's titles will help! Already on my third playthrough of Saints Row The Third!

This is goodbye for now, thanks so much for all the support!
Have fun and game on!
Al Fatman

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