Wednesday 9 November 2011

Review: Modern Warfare 3

G’day everybody!
Possibly one of the most controversial and anticipated titles of every year, Call of Duty has finally released their latest, and possibly last, instalment in the recent title, Modern Warfare 3. Alongside the release of Call of Duty ELITE, the game was released to an excited audience, many fans waiting for the midnight release and some, as I’ve seen, already at a Prestige level. So, the question remains; what is new with the MW series?
As many people have already realised, the game engine was not changed since the previous title, disappointing many graphic crazed fans, nor the controls, so any player of an FPS will not be needing their manual. However, that does not mean it is the exact same game. Characters have been given a huge boost with more facial movements, and weapon spotting and their styles have also been given a huge boost in the right direction. Sound effects, while only slightly touched up, are a great effect in the world of game, at some points bringing you into the game. What really gives this game its punch is the newly erected musical score and the voice acting. A real big kudos to the musical score, not only a beautiful transition of both previous titles, but adding in some new scores, adding an effect that I believe hasn’t been added yet. Not just the main characters, but the whole ensemble of the voice cast were an excellent match, all matching both emotional status and physical. Kevin McKidd, as John “Soap” MacTavish, once again did an excellent job bringing depth and raw emotion to his role while Billy Murray, as John Price, delivers a more personal side of Captain Price that we have never seen before.
As I started on the Campaign, I noticed these little things along the way, fighting in the streets of New York, Paris, London, Prague and more cities and towns but as you move through, mission by mission, gamers of the previous titles will start to notice the little dots finally being connected until they all reach to one, large discovery that will make your jaw drop, as it did my own. The beginning will leave you wanting more, the middle will pull your heart strings and the end will bring you not only satisfaction, but also a kind of knowing. In retrospect, I will not reveal the ending, but I warn you: bring a cup of coffee.
Moving on to the other options at our disposal, we start at Special Ops; Newly resurrected and remade classic gameplay from the previous titles, of both Trial Runs, Beat The Clock and Eliminate type of style. This time around sees also Survival, a type of Gears Horde mode, with a twist. As you fight wave of enemies of your choice (All dogs, Juggernauts, Shotguns only etc) as the round ends, you can buy ammunition for weapons you pick up, upgrade the ones you purchase, claymores and grenades and also, Predator Missiles and attack helicopters. Playing with friends or by your lonesome, the gameplay is quite simple but challenging to any gamer, forcing you to think of where to go, where to attack and where to make your final stand. A nice addition to the game, Survival is really for those who like to challenge themselves.
And of course, the last part of the MW franchise, the multiplayer side.
Of course, it is no different to any FPS, but it is completely different. Sledgehammer and Infantry finally found the kind of balance they had wanted since day one, with this time around adding in Kill Confirmed along with the many classic game styles. With all new weapons, perks to help out yourself and your teammates and special perks to help you improve who you are in game and some even to make you a killing machine. But like all good things, they must all come to an end. This is a Call of Duty game we’re talking about. During multiplayer, be ready to expect people hiding behind corners waiting for you, others spinning around in a corner and jumping and many more delightful, angry fans of this well know series that many are currently enjoying.
And here’s the bad news.
Sadly, I have found the odd amount of lag in Campaign, playing by myself. This may have been a glitch or such, but even playing Spec Ops did not help. Also, while the game is marvellous and fun, it seems to be missing much more. Many people have complained that the game is near exactly like Modern Warfare 2. Things have been changed since the last, but many things still remain the same, but this will not stop me.
As a Call of Duty game, gamers are a little weary of the continuing series, but still buy the game. For me, I wanted to end the fight between Makarov and see the remnants of 141 returned to their former glory. Modern Warfare 3 is a brilliant game in every way, from its Campaign to its new styled multiplayer. But sadly, the missing ingredient is the one good thing for all things, gaming or not:
Out of 10, I gave Modern Warfare 3 an 8.5/10
Good points: Return of Soap and Price!
                    Utterly stunning voice acting
                    Jaw dropping storyline
Bad points:    Change is good, why so little of it?
                     Glitches? On campaign?  Offline? Really?
                     Some bad spawn points online....
(Modern Warfare 3 is out now for the average price of $75)

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