Monday 14 November 2011

Pre Multiple Review Thoughts

Hey there everybody!

Well, this week is gonna be pretty damn epic. While our overseas folk get three games all released tomorrow, many Aussies are cramming to go get Assassins Creed Revelations and Halo AA tomorrow, with Saints Row The Third coming out on the following Friday.
With all these games coming out, I'm also pushing on an episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips very soon, with the first episode of Ask Fatman coming up very soon, Im hoping to get a few questions stockpiled! Sad, right? But meh, I want to get ahead, so post some questions please! All of them will appear eventually!
Also, I've bought two new pieces of equipment, so I'll post a review on those two in the near future and its fricking sweet.

Anyhoo, I'll try to post the reviews as quick as I can, but playing two games at a time is gonna be interesting....especially two pretty long ones.
Thanks for reading, and game on!
Al Fatman

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